
Friday, September 25, 2015

Vision Update

Well, just when you think things are bad; they get worse. At least that is how things are for me when it comes to my health.

For a while now, I've been struggling with some vision loss caused by radiation that I received to treat a brain tumor, many moons ago.

I've been dealing with this for several years now and I am finally starting to come to terms with it.

Well, as of a few days ago, things have gotten worse. Apparently, losing 50% of my vision in each eye wasn't enough. Now...  I can only see  from one eye at a time and not for very long before my eyes start to tire and my head starts to hurt.

Its as though someone removed the mechanism that keeps my eyes in sync. When I open both eyes at the same time, I see two of everything... overlapped...  One is slightly higher and to the left of the other, making it nearly impossible to see clearly.

So now on top of losing half my vision, my brain has decided to stop controlling my eyes... WTF!!!!

Anyway, I gave up drinks that contain caffein a couple weeks ago. I am considering taking a caffeine fix before I see a doctor.

Needless to say, life is getting less and less fun to live. Enough is enough already!

I can barely see anymore. Hopefully this is a temporary set back. But, my frequent visits to Facebook and my somewhat regular updates to this blog, not to mention my photography (the one hobby I was still able to enjoy, may be nearing an end. Time will tell.

--- Mark ---