
Monday, July 2, 2012

Canada Day 2012...

It's been a pretty good Canada weekend so far. We usually celebrate my twin nephew's and my niece's birthdays this weekend every year, since all their birthdays are at the end of June or the start of July.

I also want to take this opportunity to show some of the candid photos I took at the kids' birthday bash. Eva is 7 and Jack & Charlie are 5..

I always have a very hard time telling the twins apart... But I think I've got it right this time.

Jack - Photo © 2012 by Mark Lipton

Charlie - Photo © 2012 by Mark Lipton
Apparently one of the twin is left handed and the other is right handed. II don't think I knew this.
This is my dad with his grand daughter (my niece) Eva...

Papa Cy and Eva - Photo © 2012 by Mark Lipton
And lastly, but certainly not least; my sister Tracy: mother to Eva, Jack, and Charlie.

Tracy Lee - Photo © 2012 by Mark Lipton
Happy Canada day and Happy Birthday Kids!

Oh, by the way, check out my first attempt at photographing fireworks HERE. I think I did a pretty good job for my first attempt.

--- Mark ---