Its getting warmer, but winter is still hanging on . It will be nice when the sun comes out (and stays out for more than one or two days) and the temperature rises. I missed most of the warmer weather last year due to my health... People have said "you didn't miss much", and although I believe them... I'd like to be able to decide that one for myself.
I'm getting itchy to get back on the trails/roads with my camera. Something I haven't done in a while. If you want pics taken of your family/kids/relatives and you live in the greater Moncton area, let me know.
The job search continues... Its disappointing to see how few opportunities there are out there compared to when I went out sick. I'm healthy now, but there still isn't much out there for employment. I have a few leads out there... So wish me luck or pray for me or whatever works best for you. :)
That's all for now...
--- Mark ---