
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A Few Things

A few things I want to appologize for.

Anger.  One of the side effects of my medications is uncontrolable anger.  Sometimes I get angry at the world and everything in it.   I say uncontrolable, but sometimes I can manage it.  Other times it bursts through my walls.  I've been told it can be quite hurtful.  I seem to lose control most when I am tired or stressed.  My point?  Well, if I ever lose my temper with you.  It's most likely my problem and not yours, so try not to take it too personally.

Confusion and disorientation.   My ongoing battles with vasculitis often causes me to get confused and or disoriented.  This usually presents itself in the form of me forgetting things like names and places or where I'm going and how I got where I am.  My favorite is when I can't recognize people or places that I know.  That's a good one.

Those things  combined with my poor vision are making my life a bit of a challenge at the moment.

Please forgive any typos.  I will go back and re-read this when I can.  My eyes are really bad tonight.

--- Mark ---