
Friday, October 4, 2013

Memory and Vision: Another Vent...

I've never had the best memory in the world. My short term memory has always been challenging to me. Especially since 1983, when I started my battle with a brain tumor and cancer.

Until about 2009 or so, I was quite proud of my long term memory. Once I learned something, I didn't easily forget it.

However, my experiences in the past few years: Seizures and MASSIVE Migraine headaches have caused a lot of problems with my memory.

Details are often "foggy"  to me. My memory often slips or hiccups on me. Sometimes I remember things from very long ago; a one time occurance. But other times I forget people and things that I've known for my entire life. Sometimes, these things come back to me... But often they don't. At least not for a while.

Trivial things, like the lyrics to songs are in my head... And I can remember the song and how it goes. But, ask m who the artist is, and more often than not, I can't pull it out of my memory. Anyone who knows me, knows that music has always been a HUGE part of my life. For me to forget a simple thing like who sings my favorite song from 1989 is VERY frustrating.

And names: I am constantly struggling to remember people's names. Good friends and relatives, even people I see regularly and have known for years... I just can't remember their name. GAH!

I find myself forgetting people and things I've known for years, but something I saw once 38 years ago, pops into my head as though it just happened. .

It's extremely frustrating.

And then there is the problems with my vision. Which is not related to my eyes but to my brain: a side effect of the radiation I had in 1984 to kill my tumor (which apperantly it did, YAY!).

I find it extremely curious that these side effects of my radiation treatments are manifesting themselves now... How many years have passed?

Not to mention that I am getting older, so my memory and vision are likely affected by that too....

Anyway, my point is this: If you are a friend, relative or co-worker I've known in the past... I am NOT ignoring anyone. Please understand that I simply may not remember like I should/once did.

I am trying to accept and adjust to these changes in my life. And with the help and understanding of my family and friends, it's coming along.

Please be patient with me. That's something I am having a hard time with. I've never been a very patient person; and it's worse now.. But, I am trying!

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--- Mark ---